To make a fine Baked Puding MB



To make a fine Baked Puding MB


To Make a fine Baked Puding MB
half a pound of [Napps Bisquets] grate it & seal[d] [text loss] as much n[o]w milk ass you think will throughly [text loss] it so let it stand alll night, in ye morning beat [text loss] qrter of a pound off Almonds very fine 4 or 5 egs [text loss] leve[r]ing out [illegible] the whites, boyle a litele nut meg and a blade of mace in your milch you seald your bisq[illegible] in seasen it [illegible] your taist with suger & a litele salt put in a little creame so as not to make it to thin a litele meltd buter & lumps of [marow] or for want of [Marow] [2 words illegible] yn put your crust in to a [pety] pan & [illegible] as you put it in to your oven stir it and put it in to your Crust have a care it be not over baked when you take it out of ye oven [c]ake it [illegible] ye Tin as you do Tarts & scrape Suger on it to find it to ye tabele


Caylor, Karmen
Le, Vincent


Elizabeth Fairfax cookbook, Collection #C0202, Special Collections Research Center, George Mason University Libraries.


George Mason University Libraries


Public domain. There are no known restrictions.