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Fairfax-Spencer Family Receipt Book
About the Receipt Book
Who Was Elizabeth Fairfax?
Food and Music
Cookbooks as a Window Into the Household
Health and Medicine in the Household
Entertaining in the Household
The Cookbook as a Source
Browse Ingredients & Methods
Breads and Baked Goods
Meat-based Dishes
Vegetable-based dishes
Dairy and Cheeses
Preserving, Pickling, Fermenting
Sauces and Condiments
Sweets and Desserts
Alcoholic Drinks
Health and Medicine
Health Waters
Household Goods
About the Project
> Health and Medicine
Health and Medicine
Health Waters
Mrs Listers Purging Drink for ye Kings Evell
To Make the Ladys Easy
For the Green Sicknes
To turn the Child right in Labour
A Medecne [Medicine] for the Palsie [Palsy]
Medisin [text loss]
An excelent medisin ye Cholick
A most Excellent resept for a dry [can’t read] aproved by Doctor Cotes
The most Excellent bitter wine in ye world
For ye jaundice Cousen
For Black or Stinking teeth
To wash any foul or Dead sore
Mr Marshoff Salve
Mr Gregorys resept of an Ague
Cousin Whites resept for worms
Cousen [can’t read] resept for pain in ye back
for a pain in ye Ear
The Phisbillia watter to drink for ye party
Phistillia [fistula] watter [water] which will keep the pipe from growing & desolve [dissolve] ye Lump that is hard
For ye Gravill [can’t read] Spencer’s Resept
a recept for ye piles
To Make the Poultis for it
[text loss; top of page N125 stained and torn; may be continued]
To make y Read[text loss] y Ducheys of Buckin[ham] way
The Ruburb for will
My Cousen [Shirards] Resept For A Dropsy
Doctor Cole
For ye fluse
An Excelent Resept for ye worms in children
Greene [can’t read] ointment
For sore nipples
for Convultion Fits
Fits of Mother & Confultions
The best way to make honey of roses
To cover a Naked Bone with Flesh
Broken Ribs or Bones to knit in 6 days
To dry up milk
For a Sore breast
A Pultis for a Sore breast
To desolve a hard Brest
Sore Brests [Bruised Blood to bring a way . . .]
To asowage the pain of any Scald
Sympathetick pouder
A Bruise, Black or Blewnes or humors settled in any part
Imposthume in the Stomach
Imposthume in the head
A watter that keeps the body in health
Feavors, to asuage & to Cool the Spirits or blood
Eyes to restore Sight, An drink, and Wash
To make Spirit of Urin
To Cure the biting of a mad dog
To break an Imposthume in the Eare or for a Noise in the head
To draw out an Imposthume without incision
A preservative in the Small pox
To preserve the Face from pittying
To preserve the Eyes from the Smallpose
When the Small Pox strik in again & the Party is in great dainger of death
To Cause urin presently
To take the fire out of a Wound
To increase flesh or Cure a Wound
To heal without a Scar
A Plaster of Tachamahac Spred
Aneseclent Medcine to disolve and bring away the Stone
To desolve the Stone
For the Same
For the Same
To renew wasted Kidneys
A sure and perfect way to Cure the plague to full of tokens and St Anthonys fire
Against Obstructions
[Flugeny?] water twenty drops in Milk water given to the woman hastens her Labour
To drive out the Measles
For Aches the Old
The way My Lady Kent gave it to Mr Sheldon
To Make the Lady Kents Pouder
To make the weben salve
To Procrere slepe
For a pimpled Face
against the stinging of a snake
To M Take of the heat of the liver
My Unkle Bladen’s Balsom for Man of Horseflesh
This Resept Good a Gainst infection
To make Oyle of Eges good to take away Scars in the Face
To make the syrope of Mault for a Consumtion
A reseit for a [Diate?] drink
For aney paine in the Eare
To Make The Black Plaster
Honey of Roases
To Make Suger of Roses
For a scald head
An Excelent Resept for mouth water
For any gouty or Cholic pains in the stomach
To take away heat in the face
To take a pin: or web out of the Eye
The Resept of Clounes Woundwort
For an ague for a child, if for a man a greater proporsion
To Stay the Bleeding of a vaine that is broken inwardly
For the Splene
For a Squincie
To stop vomiting
The Lady Fairfax Medisine against the strangurey
The use of this oyntment is this . . .
Mrs Austens Salve for grene wound or olde sores
A Plaster to ceep a [woman] [text loss]
For the Scurvey
The Worm Pills
Phiseck and Surgery May be found here
To Make an Ointment for a Scald head
Lady Munson an excellent resept for Dropsy & Scurvy
A resept for faintness
A resept against Madnes given by Mr Leeds
My Cousen girsbys resept for the Dropsy
The burnt salve to be made in may
A poultise for a sore brest
Doc: Wards Recept for a sore Throat
A Receipt for the Ague
Doctor Jams’ Powder how to use it
For a Cold
Powder for Convulsion fits which was never known to fail, when taken in time
Tincture sena
For the Colik in Horses
For Spasms Dr C
An Emulsion for the Piles
Mr Balls Receipt for making black ink
For the Gripes in Horses, approved by Dr. Kilvington
To Physic Children after the Small Pox
For burns, or scalds. London Chronicle
[page loss - recipe for brewing a drink with water, sugar, and hops]
An infallible Cure for the Ague
For a Consumption
Jelly of Hearts horne
Patient granted 20 [illegible]
Hu[thom]’s Tincture
For a Cough Also Mrs Lumley
A Famous salve for a sor Breast recommended by Lady Howe.
To kill Bugs and worms in horsis
[no title - recipe for a medicine for bowel problems]
to make Stoutens drops – Mrs Bridget
My lady Nevels Surfit water
Plague Water to Make
To Make My Lady Nevells Snaile Watter
To Make Mrs Fleetwoods Surfeit Watter
To Make a Perfumed water
The Great Palsey water Duches of Bu [Buckingham]
The Snaile : Water
The Treakele Water
A Stumach or surfiet water
A consumsion water
Aqua Mirabelis
Mrs Fletwoods Surfeit water
To Make All Sorts of Wines & Stiled Water
To Make
To make Extract of Saturn