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Fairfax-Spencer Family Receipt Book
About the Receipt Book
Who Was Elizabeth Fairfax?
Food and Music
Cookbooks as a Window Into the Household
Health and Medicine in the Household
Entertaining in the Household
The Cookbook as a Source
Browse Ingredients & Methods
Breads and Baked Goods
Meat-based Dishes
Vegetable-based dishes
Dairy and Cheeses
Preserving, Pickling, Fermenting
Sauces and Condiments
Sweets and Desserts
Alcoholic Drinks
Health and Medicine
Health Waters
Household Goods
About the Project
> Food
Foodstuffs and their methods of preparation
Breads and Baked Goods
Meat-based Dishes
Vegetable-based dishes
Dairy and Cheeses
Preserving, Pickling, Fermenting
Sauces and Condiments
Sweets and Desserts
Browse all food recipes
Goosberry Vinegar
Lemon Pickle
To Make a Dish of Scotch Colops
To pickele pidgions
To Make the Oyster loaves
To Calver & Pickel Salmon
To roste a Shoulder of Mutton in the Blood
To boyle Flownders
To Pickele Barberys
To Make sausiges
To Boyle Spinage stalks
To Make a Frigesey of chickens
To pickle Eggs
To pickele Harty Choakes
To Pot Lobster
To Make a Frigisy of Sheep Tongues
To fuse a Turkey
To pickle Walnuts like mangoes
To make white wine vinegere
For Cookery & Pickeles
White Quince Marmalade
My Lady Neviles orange Kakes
Sirope of oranges or Lemons
My Lady Nevels orange or lemon Kakes
Almond Pufs
To Make Lemon Cakes
To Make Cakes of the pulph of aney frome as quinces,
To make quince Cakes
To Make Rasbery Clear Cake
To Make red Clear Cake
To make Gousberrey Clere Cakes
To Make Calves foot Jelley
Potatoe Bread
Crisp Pastes for Tarts
Miss Cripps’ Receipt for making Water Cakes
Fish Sauce
Chocolate puffs
How to make Salt Hams
To Make Goosberry Vinegar
Wakefield ginger bread
Mince pies Mr Elmsall Emley
To make stuffing for boiled Turkey or Fowls or a [illegible] Pike
[untitled recipe involving beef]
To Pickle Cabbage
To Make Walnut Catchep [Ketchup]
To Make Lemon Cheese Cakes Mrs Jane Willkinssons Resept
Her French bread
My Mothers resept for Almond pufs
o Make Duch Goaters
White Pudens
To Make Mrs Thomsons Kakes
My Lady N French Bread
My Aunt Flevils Seed Kake
To Make Ginger Bread Mrs Liste[r]
The Angelets
To Make a thick Cheese
Paste for the thin Tarts
To Make wigs the Lady Neviles way
To make the best Litele plombe Kakes [little plum cakes]
To Make a Creame Chees [cream cheese]
To Make Starch
To Make Jumbels
To Make Puff Paist [Pastry]
A Dutch Puding [pudding]
To make a fine Baked Puding [pudding] MB
Orang Buter [orange butter]
To Make the Fine Great Cake
To Make Lemon bisket [biscuit]
Mrs Bushels Caraway Cake
To Make a Caraway Kake
My Lady Plymoths Sack Poset [posset]
To Make a Sack Poset
To Make the york Ginger Bread
To Make My owne Chees Cakes [cheesecakes]
Chescakes [cheesecakes] with out Curd
To Make a Slipcoat Chees [cheese]
To Make Marow Pudens [Marrow Pudding]
The Savoy Chees Called [V]acheline
French Angelets [angelots]
to Make the Queens kakes
To Make a Cabage Puding
Sack Puding [Pudding] my Lady Abergavenry
To Make a Quakeing Puding [Pudding]
To Preserve the strength of Sinemond
To Make French Breade
To Make Biskets ye [the] Lady Ingrams way
Rie[Rye] Bread
To Make Princes Biskets [Prince Biscuits]
To Make the Seed Cake Mrs Malbery
Marchpaine Cakes
The Peper Cake will ceep 2 yrs
The Wood Street Cake
To Ice a Cake
To Make the French friters
To Make A Raire Great Cake
To Make a Caraway Kake [cake]
Receipt for [Preserving] Eggs. G : W.
Wassel Cake
The best Method to Clean BRAWN