Fairfax Cookbook
Item set
Napels bisket the beste
A recipe for making naples biscuits using almond flour and sweet cream. -
Mrs Listers Purging Drink for ye Kings Evell
A recipe for treatment of scrofula ("King's Evil"), using coriander and cardamom seeds, sweet fennel, senna, rhubarb, mechoacan, and sweetened with licorice. -
To Make the Ladys Easy
A medicinal drink to treat an unknown ailment [possibly menstrual or childbirth issues?] using mustard seed, treacle, and beer, taken for nine mornings. -
For the Green Sicknes
To turn the Child right in Labour
A medicinal recipe for a paste to be used in childbirth, possibly using agrimony, to turn a breech birth. -
J : C
[can’t read; starts with an “Rx” symbol]
[can’t read; starts with an “Rx” symbol]
[can’t read; starts with an “Rx” symbol]
‘[Fr?] Col. Spencer Jan 10 [1706?]
A Medecne [Medicine] for the Palsie [Palsy]
A recipe for a medical treatment for palsy -
Medisin [text loss]
Medicine for unknown purpose using sassafras, juniper, marshmallow, garden cress, elderflower, fennel, and licorice. Describes a recipe for a medicinal drink using a variety of herbs, berries, and roots, steeped in ale. The drink is indicated for daily use or as-needed, though the purpose is unclear due to missing pieces of the manuscript. -
An excelent medisin ye Cholick
A most Excellent resept for a dry [can’t read] aproved by Doctor Cotes
The most Excellent bitter wine in ye world
The Phisbillia watter to drink for ye party
Phistillia [fistula] watter [water] which will keep the pipe from growing & desolve [dissolve] ye Lump that is hard
Describes a recipe for "fistula water," a remedy for treating fistulas using alum, zinc sulfate ("white vitriol"), and bole armeniac (a kind of clay uses as a styptic). -
For ye jaundice Cousen
For Black or Stinking teeth
To wash any foul or Dead sore
Mr Marshoff Salve
Mr Gregorys resept of an Ague
Cousin Whites resept for worms
Cousen [can’t read] resept for pain in ye back
For ye Gravill [can’t read] Spencer’s Resept