To Calver & Pickel Salmon



To Calver & Pickel Salmon


Set a kettell halfe full of watter on the Fier: put there in a good quantity of white Wine Vinegar (verjuce to calver Salmon will Serve) and as much salt as will make it strong pickell- put in some whole pepar mase Cloves ( Ginger 6 Onyons a few bay leaves, when this pickle is well boyld take your Salmon & cut it into as many peices as you think fit wash it Clean- thn as the pickle boyls put it in to the boyling licquor ( make it boyl as fast you can possiblely the fresher your Salmon is the better it will Calver But if you do intend to send it a broad for a present- Cut it in round peices not Cleaveing it downe the back- after the old way of Chining, it will not be so apt to break.



Caylor, Karmen
Le, Vincent


Elizabeth Fairfax cookbook, Collection #C0202, Special Collections Research Center, George Mason University Libraries.


George Mason University Libraries


Public domain. There are no known restrictions.

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