Meat dishes
Item set
To Make a Dish of Scotch Colops
To pickele pidgions
To Make the Oyster loaves
To Calver & Pickel Salmon
To roste a Shoulder of Mutton in the Blood
To boyle Flownders
To Pickele Barberys
To Make sausiges
To Make a Frigesey of chickens
To Pot Lobster
To Make a Frigisy of Sheep Tongues
To fuse a Turkey
To fuse a Turkey Rx a turkey beat it flat lard it with lard season it with peper and salt thn boyle it in as much water as wil cover it with a hand full of salt a good Deale of hole peper cloves and mace a Bunch of swet hearbs some bay leves, when it is Tender take it up let the broth stand till it be coule then take of the fat yn put in 2 qrts of viniger one quart of White wine so put to your Turkey & let it stand 4 or 5 days thn Eate it with pickeled oysters sliced lemond oyle and vineger, or what you please -
How to make Salt Hams
To make stuffing for boiled Turkey or Fowls or a [illegible] Pike
[untitled recipe involving beef]
To Make a Cabage Puding
A recipe for a "cabbage pudding," using minced veal, beef fat, herbs and spices, and wrapped in cabbage leaves before boiling. -
The best Method to Clean BRAWN