To make white wine vinegere



To make white wine vinegere


Rx a vesell of what Sise you please 13 or 14 galouns or more let it be verey sweet: fill it all most to the top, to every Galond of water put 3 pound of malegoe Raisens, cover the Bung hole of the vesell with a fine lining cloth- the thinest you have paist it close doune for feare aney thing get in, for the more aire the beter set it in the Sun from the begining of may till the begining of Augest thn put in a Tap Draw it oute in to botels as much as you can get cleare & what remains in the Tub that is not cleare you may put half the Quanty of water & do on the cloth as before & let it stand 3- mounths longer thn draw it out or ceep it in the vesell the first will be as good as aney white wine vinccere the Second verey good for Sauce is or aney use in the Kitching



Caylor, Karmen
Le, Vincent


Elizabeth Fairfax cookbook, Collection #C0202, Special Collections Research Center, George Mason University Libraries.


George Mason University Libraries


Public domain. There are no known restrictions.

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