For Cookery & Pickeles
For Cookery & Pickeles
For Cookery & Pickeles
To pickele [purslend], out it equall lengths, yn take as much water as will cover it, & make it verey [salte] & let it ly in that 6 days un remove it in to fresh- water but not so much salt as before let it ly in that 4 days yn set on a ketele of River Water when it boyls put in your [pursland] let it boyle till it be tender yn put it in to youre pot, & put to it 2 qrts of white wine vineagere one qrt of [Elieer] 3 qrts of [Rivere] water [l]ake hole peper hole, Ginger mace & cloves of each a quantety [poyle] all to gether & pore it on ye top of your [pursland], you may do coucoumbers ye same way
To pickele [purslend], out it equall lengths, yn take as much water as will cover it, & make it verey [salte] & let it ly in that 6 days un remove it in to fresh- water but not so much salt as before let it ly in that 4 days yn set on a ketele of River Water when it boyls put in your [pursland] let it boyle till it be tender yn put it in to youre pot, & put to it 2 qrts of white wine vineagere one qrt of [Elieer] 3 qrts of [Rivere] water [l]ake hole peper hole, Ginger mace & cloves of each a quantety [poyle] all to gether & pore it on ye top of your [pursland], you may do coucoumbers ye same way
Caylor, Karmen
Le, Vincent
Elizabeth Fairfax cookbook, Collection #C0202, Special Collections Research Center, George Mason University Libraries.
George Mason University Libraries
Public domain. There are no known restrictions.