To Make the york Ginger Bread



To Make the york Ginger Bread




A recipe for gingerbread using claret wine, ginger, cinnamon, mace, cloves, Jamaica pepper (allspice), sanders (sandalwood), and bread crumbs.


To Make the york Ginger Bread

[image 1] [left margin: 302] Take 5 pintes of claret wine But it in to an Earthen pot I meane an yron Pot put to it 4 pound of 5 pounds, suger set it on the fire till it Boyle up then scim it cleane, Take a dosen of white bread Grated & dried in the oven after beaten & Searced in a [R]aire Temes. 2 ounces of Sinemon half an [text struck: ounce] pound of Ginger, of Mase & Cloves half an ounce of Each. Jemacah peper tow ounces. Sanders 3 ounces, beat all these & Searce them Severely, take half on the Sanders & mix with a litele wine & half of the bread & half of all the Spices and mix with the bread So put them in in to the pot with your hand ceepeing it Continuly stiring when it is very stiff take it of the fire set it on no more but cepe it stiring Put in more bread till it be as stif

[image 2] [left margin: fothe9 A303] as Paist for Moleding then taist it & what Seasening it wants add to it Molde it up with Senemon & Ginger & [print] it it will be beter if it be a mounth olde be fore it be Eaten, let it ly prity dry be [text struck] cause it is apt to run to water, you may Make part of it with almonds take a Pound Blanched a pounch beaten of loafe suger with a litele sack and about the same quantity of this paist ading a litele spices so mold it up



Caylor, Karmen
Grimm, Stephanie
Le, Vincent


Elizabeth Fairfax cookbook, Collection #C0202, Special Collections Research Center, George Mason University Libraries.


George Mason University Libraries


Public domain. There are no known restrictions.

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