To Make the French friters



To Make the French friters


en 1694/1795


A recipe for "French fritters" using flour, apples, orange flower water, and nutmeg, fried in fat.
Source Notes: The French cook. Prescribing the way of making ready of all sorts of meats, fish and flesh, with the proper sauces, either to procure appetite, or to advance the power of digestion.


To Make ye French Friters

[inserted left margin: 3] Rx Take 14 ounces of floure and a quart of Milch hard Mesure then fry them in a pancake a litele broune then beat them in a marble Morter puting in Every quarter of an houre an Egg till you have broke in foure tene then put in Some orange Floore Water & Nutmeg to taist them well if you use them Just when thay are Mixed you must dice Some aples in then drop them in very litele drops in to boyleing fatt thay will Ceep a week with out apeles [inserted left margin: 4]



en Ochsner, Elizabeth
en Oberle, George
Le, Vincent


Elizabeth Fairfax cookbook, Collection #C0202, Special Collections Research Center, George Mason University Libraries.


George Mason University Libraries


Public domain. There are no known restrictions.

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