To Make A Raire Great Cake



To Make A Raire Great Cake




A recipe for making a great cake


[Image 1] [inserted left margin: 2] Take a peck of fine floure and one ounce of Large Mace. half an ounce of Nutmegs. as much Sinemond, which must be finely sirced 2 pound of buter 10 eges put out 4 of the whites some thing a bove a Pint of ale yest. beat youre Eges well then Streane them & the yest and a litele warm water in to your floore then stir them well to gether, then put your Buter Colde in litele lumps, your water you knead with all must be scolding hot, when it is kneaded Lay your paste to Rise in a warm cloth a quarter of an houre, then put in 10 spoun[d]e of the best Corons very dry rubed, strew as much Suger as you think the washing has taken of of the swetnes. brake your past in to litele lumps then lay a Paire of them & a Pare of Corons till thay be all put to gether. but have a care you breake not the Corons you must take out a pece of the paist after it be risen be fore [text loss] [Corons]

[Image 2] [inserted left margin: fo 2] [inserted right margin: fo] Corons be put in to Cover the Top & botom Role it prity thin top and bothom and wet it with Rose water Close the sides where it Joynes prick the Top an Sides with a long small pin when it is redy for the oven Cutt it a bout an inch depe in the Midele of the Sides if youre Cake be a hole [p]eck of Meale it must stand 2 houres in your oven which must be as hot as for [manchet]



Ochsner, Elizabeth
Landry, Elena
Le, Vincent


Elizabeth Fairfax cookbook, Collection #C0202, Special Collections Research Center, George Mason University Libraries.


George Mason University Libraries


Public domain. There are no known restrictions.



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