To Make a Dish of Scotch Colops



To Make a Dish of Scotch Colops


take a leg of vele cut it in thin slices beat it wth the back of youre knife thn season them with peper and salt and Nutmeg a blade of mase thn fry thm in a litele sweet buter fry thm broon but not to much then take thm and put thm in to a stue pan put to thm strong broth and gravey of rost meat as much as you think will stue thm but not to much gravey a few swet hearbs and persly shred small & put in slice an onion in to faire water put the onion water in thn put in a blade on mase 2 or 3 cloves a litele sliced nutmeg thn cover thm close & let thm stue a bout an houre thn when youre Colops are half stued take a pinte of oysters stue thm in thare own Liquer but in onely the thn when youre Colops are Enough take a Gill of white wine and 2 or 3 an Cloves a few capers shed small a litele gratd nut meg 3 eg yolks put all these to the colops give it 2 or 3 toses over the fire you may put in a litele beaten up buter if you will thn garnish with fried backen an frid sausenges cut orang & lemens in Slices and lay a bout the dish



Caylor, Karmen
Le, Vincent


Elizabeth Fairfax cookbook, Collection #C0202, Special Collections Research Center, George Mason University Libraries.


George Mason University Libraries


Public domain. There are no known restrictions.

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