To pickle Eggs
To pickle Eggs
To pickle Eggs
Rx boyle thm very hard: pill thm thn take some of the best white wine vinigere & cloves and Mace a litele hole peper thn put in your Eggs boyle thm a litele then put thm in a cloase mouthed pot when thay are colde pore on the pickle boyleing hot & it will Turn thm an olive couler cover thm close and when thay are colde open the pot & if thay be not a good couler boyle the pickele & pore on them a gane
Rx boyle thm very hard: pill thm thn take some of the best white wine vinigere & cloves and Mace a litele hole peper thn put in your Eggs boyle thm a litele then put thm in a cloase mouthed pot when thay are colde pore on the pickle boyleing hot & it will Turn thm an olive couler cover thm close and when thay are colde open the pot & if thay be not a good couler boyle the pickele & pore on them a gane
Caylor, Karmen
Le, Vincent
Elizabeth Fairfax cookbook, Collection #C0202, Special Collections Research Center, George Mason University Libraries.
George Mason University Libraries
Public domain. There are no known restrictions.