Sirope of oranges or Lemons



Sirope of oranges or Lemons


Sirope of oranges or lemons
[R] Take oranges & Cut them in two Crush out ye juse till it will come Cleare put to Every pinte of juse 2 pd of Duble Refined higher finely Beaten & stir it to gether let it stand 24 ho[w]res till ye higher be Clearly Desolved & be often [st]iring as it disolv[illegible] to quicken ye disolving & as it desolves keep scuming it Clear yn let youre pot of [illegible] in a Ketele of water Close Covered & theare let it stand till ye water boyle [so] let it boyle on ho[w]re & take it oute of ye water & scim it let it stand till it be Coule then botele it up for youre use


Caylor, Karmen
Le, Vincent


Elizabeth Fairfax cookbook, Collection #C0202, Special Collections Research Center, George Mason University Libraries.


George Mason University Libraries


Public domain. There are no known restrictions.