To Make Calves foot Jelley



To Make Calves foot Jelley


Take 2 Gang of Calves foote boyle thm till the haire Come of but no more thn take 6 Quarts of faire water put thm in & boyle thm till 2 quarts of it be boyled a way & if it will be Jely Let it run throw a Streaner so stand till it be Couled thn take of all that is fat or oyley but you must boyle some Lemmond Peill when you first boyle it thn put it in to a pipkin on a cleare fire & beat the White of 3 Eggs & put in to it Let it all Simer to gether and thare will Rise a Scum which take cleare of have redy the Ju[text loss] of 4 or 3 Lemmons & put in by 2 or 3 spoune fuls at a time but be sure to Ceep 4 spoune fuls till you take it of the fire thn put in 9 or 10 of the best Renish wine spounefuls you may put in more or les as you se ocasion for the stifing on the Jely then sweten it with Duble refined Suger thn take your lemmon peill that was boyled & cut it in long small peices in the botom of your Glases but let youre Jely run throw a streaner turn it out of your Glases when its Colde So use it it will be as cleare as Rock water



Caylor, Karmen
Le, Vincent


Elizabeth Fairfax cookbook, Collection #C0202, Special Collections Research Center, George Mason University Libraries.


George Mason University Libraries


Public domain. There are no known restrictions.

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