Potatoe Bread



Potatoe Bread


Potatoe Bread
Chuse the most [mealy] sort of Potatoes boil and skin them. take 12 [inserted above: lbs] break and strain them well through a very coarse [illegible] of Hair, or a very fine one of [Wine], in such a manner as to reduce the [Roots], as nearly as [popible] to a state of flour, mix it well with 20 lbs of Wheaten flour of this mixture make and set the dough exactly in the same [text loss] anner as if the whole was Wheaten flo[text loss] this quantity will make nine loaves [text loss] Bread about 5 [inserted above: lbs] each in the dough, and [text loss] when baked about two hours, will produ[text loss] 42lbs of excelent Bread.
The raw potatoe skined grated and mixed with flour as above makes [gord] Bread


Caylor, Karmen
Le, Vincent


Elizabeth Fairfax cookbook, Collection #C0202, Special Collections Research Center, George Mason University Libraries.


George Mason University Libraries


Public domain. There are no known restrictions.