Fish Sauce



Fish Sauce


Fish Sauce

Take a pint of ud port fifteen Anchored a Gile of Vinegar a Stick of Horse Radish cut into slices a large onion quartered a handful of parsley a little Thyme two bay leaves a nutmeg rub into small pieces a few blades of mace as much beat pepper a wile lay on a half crown a for strain it through a core give & when cold bottle it.
It must be well cooked & hehtin a dry place shake th Bottle before you it.

Two table spoons of full lo a quarter of a pound of is the mohothorofor the leaves use no flower or water in melting there

Mrs Foljanber Mccaight Khenear Augh 9 1785


Cheston, Jarissa
Le, Vincent


Elizabeth Fairfax cookbook, Collection #C0202, Special Collections Research Center, George Mason University Libraries.


George Mason University Libraries


Public domain. There are no known restrictions.