The Savoy Chees Called [V]acheline



The Savoy Chees Called [V]acheline




A method for making a soft (possibly French Savoy) cheese, using rennet "as you do for cream cheese"


The Savoy Chees Called Vacheline

[left margin: 28] New milch warm from the Cow, & put to it runet [text loss] do for the Creame Chees, let it stand til it be comed then br[text loss] it down much more than you do for any other chese, when [text loss] have so done let it Satele well, then take a fine cloth bur[text loss] the whey & curd in to it, so let it pas throw it of its owne a corde the cloth not being to thick. then take the curd that is in the cloth. & put it in to the Chesfatt, with care that you dont pres all the remaneing whey from the cheese, which will ceep it soft. then cover it with a pece of the cloth that it is in for 3 days at the 3 days Ende salt it on boath sides. continue salting it every other day till it be hardened. cepe it turning till it be dry then put it in some moist Plase a good whille. the longer the beter this chese must be made in a Chesfatt that will make the chese 2 fingers thick — it may be made all the yeare but the best are made in september. if it be right it will ceep all the winter and be rinkeled & softish —



Chesson, Jarissa
Grimm, Stephanie
Le, Vincent


Elizabeth Fairfax cookbook, Collection #C0202, Special Collections Research Center, George Mason University Libraries.


George Mason University Libraries


Public domain. There are no known restrictions.

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