To Make a thick Cheese



To Make a thick Cheese




A method for making a thick, dry cheese (described as similar to parmesan), using milk, cream, rennet, and salt


To Make a thick Cheese
Rx all ye mornings milk & all ye Nights Creame [text loss] must be as hot as New mil[k] put it to geather with [runet]. when it is come take ye whay and [s]et on ye fire and take ye first curds ye quantaty of 2 [text los] and mingle ym with ye [of] Chees Curds in a wet Cloth[text loss] but ye Chees burns must be very well dreaned from ye whay ye whay curds must be seathing ho[w] when you mix ym mix a handfull of salt with ye curd to put it in youre [illegible] keep it turning Every qrter of an houre with wett cloths for ye [s]pace of 2 hours yn let it ly in ye pres 2 days & 2 nights with turn ing as you think [fir] then [salt] it upon a borde as much as you think good for ye [bignes] on ye Chees keep it in very dry cloths till it be dry Enough yn keep it as you do other cheeses with turning ue [bignes] and thicknes of one of these Cheeses is like a [b] lofe this chess will be as good any permesan - - - - - [inserted left: The Angelets]


Grimm, Stephanie
Caylor, Karmen
Le, Vincent


Elizabeth Fairfax cookbook, Collection #C0202, Special Collections Research Center, George Mason University Libraries.


George Mason University Libraries


Public domain. There are no known restrictions.
