To Make a thick Cheese



To Make a thick Cheese




A method for making a thick, dry cheese (described as similar to parmesan), using milk, cream, rennet, and salt


To Make a thick Cheese

Rx all the mornings milk & all the Nights Creame wh[text loss] must be as hot as New milk put it to geather with runet. when it is come take the whay and set on the fire and take the first curds the quantity of 2 gr[text loss] and mingle them with the [of] Chees Curds in a wet Cloth[text loss] but the Chees curds must be very well dreaned from the whay the whay curds must be scalding hot when you mix them mix a handfull of salt with the curd so put it in youre fat keep it turning Every quarter of an houre with wett cloths for the space of 2 hours then let it ly in the pres 2 days & 2 nights with turning as you think fit then salt it upon a borde as much as you think good for the bignes on the Chees keep it in very dry cloths till it be dry Enough then keep it as you do other cheeses with turning the bignes and thicknes of one of these Cheeses is like a [bd] lofe this chees will be as good any permesan



Grimm, Stephanie
Caylor, Karmen
Le, Vincent


Elizabeth Fairfax cookbook, Collection #C0202, Special Collections Research Center, George Mason University Libraries.


George Mason University Libraries


Public domain. There are no known restrictions.



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