Cock Ale
Cock Ale
A recipe for making ale with rooster meat (starts with ale that has already been brewed, as well as sack, a type of white wine).
Cock Ale
[inserted left margin: 2 [crossed out] 1] Take a Cock, boyle it half an houre, then pull of the skin, and beat the flesh in a morter, and steepe it all night, in 2 quarts of sack, then put it in to [3] gallons of the best ale, be fore it have done working put in 4 pound of rasens, stoned and beaten in a Morter, with a quarter of a pound of [Dates]— shred, & some Cloves and Mace, then stop it Close for the space of 5 dayes, & after wards botele it up & let it stand a weke, be fore you drink it
[inserted left margin: 2 [crossed out] 1] Take a Cock, boyle it half an houre, then pull of the skin, and beat the flesh in a morter, and steepe it all night, in 2 quarts of sack, then put it in to [3] gallons of the best ale, be fore it have done working put in 4 pound of rasens, stoned and beaten in a Morter, with a quarter of a pound of [Dates]— shred, & some Cloves and Mace, then stop it Close for the space of 5 dayes, & after wards botele it up & let it stand a weke, be fore you drink it
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Caylor, Karmen
Stevens, Jen
Le, Vincent
Elizabeth Fairfax cookbook, Collection #C0202, Special Collections Research Center, George Mason University Libraries.
George Mason University Libraries
Public domain. There are no known restrictions.