Medisin [text loss]



Medisin [text loss]




Medicine for unknown purpose using sassafras, juniper, marshmallow, garden cress, elderflower, fennel, and licorice. Describes a recipe for a medicinal drink using a variety of herbs, berries, and roots, steeped in ale. The drink is indicated for daily use or as-needed, though the purpose is unclear due to missing pieces of the manuscript.


Medsin [text loss] [illegible]

Take of ye Roots of [text loss] alows
D[illegible]t Elder smallag [text loss] [r]ce Radish tsp any
Gras of [Euc]k 2 ounces -- of L[uic]ki[vr]isk
one ounce of Lasaph wood 4 ounces
of ye Top of Marshmallows & pilly [t]ary of
ye Wall of Ca[eh] 2 handfuls -- of [Ckev]oile
[sand] on Cresses black & white Maden hair
of Each 4 handfuls & a half , of Eld[ar]
[&] Broom floores of Each one handfull
of Burdock & sweet [fe]nill seed 3 drums
of Wood Lice washed 4[00] juniper Berys
[&] Drams Cut small ye Roots & hearbs
Bruse ye Berys & Seeds & put them [inserted above: all] into
& put ym all in to 3 Gall[e]ns of moderat
[A]]le when it hath wrought well & b[e]gins
to Clear you may Draw it into botels
[illegible] it for yr Co[m]on drink or drink
a pint of it fasing in ye Morning as Much
[as] 4 in ye a[ft]er Noon ye [Same] at Night
before you goe to bed ad to these 2 ounces
[o] Raisons [S]toned put all into a fi[r]e
[C]anvace bagg with a Stone to Sink ym



Grimm, Stephanie
Ochsner, Elizabeth
Le, Vincent


Elizabeth Fairfax cookbook, Collection #C0202, Special Collections Research Center, George Mason University Libraries.


George Mason University Libraries


Public domain. There are no known restrictions.

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