To make y Read[text loss] y Ducheys of Buckin[ham] way



To make y Read[text loss] y Ducheys of Buckin[ham] way


To make the Read [text loss] ye Duchys of Buckinha[m] way

Singuler good in ye Plage Treavors Aguy Small-Pox Measels Panes and Sorrows in ye Bony through Cold and wormy in children --

[inserted left margin: [text loss]der- [text loss][y] read [rd] [text loss] powder]

[A]s cardus benedictus Dragons. Angelico Rue Scordium Tormentil roots
Bettony Scabiny Pimpernel and genshen Roots one handfull, of each wig[h]
the handfulls to make ym equall first shred then pound ym in a morter
that ye vertue may co[m] forth put them in to a jarre Glas or an earth [inserted above: en]
Pitcher well Glazed, then power to ye herbs three pints of ye best [&] Stron [inserted above: g]
-est whight wine that hath a good body Stir ye herbes and wine to
gether Stop ye Pitcher or glas very close let it in [frise] a day and a neig [inserted above: ht]
then have a pound of ye best & finest Bole-Armoniac well beaten an[d]
[Searsed] [illegible] put it in to an Earthen Basin Strain so much of ye wine
from ye herbes ye first time as will wet ye Bole-Armoniac and
make it prity thin mix it well with a Spatule let it Stand all d[text loss]
ye sun a broad or in ye windows or on ye Leads to dry and cove[r]
with a pese of glas or a glas bell to keep of rain fleys and [illegible][text loss]
Stir it oft in a day it dryes ye guice in better and when it is p[text loss]
thick which will be in 2 or 3 dayes if it dry well. then strain it [text loss]
hard and put ye rest of ye guice from ye herbs in to ye basin mix it
And let it dry as be fore and when it is as thick as an El[ut]ury ad
one ounce of Safron dryed and powdred fine and 4 ounces of
mi[thr]idate or 2 ounces of [ue]nes treacle mix all thes well togethe [inserted above: r]
with ye woden Spatule; let it dry till it is as thick as Dough then
make it up in Balls as close and hard and smouth as you can set
ym to dry hard in ye Sun, when they ear thoroughly dry keep them in a close Box;

The Dose to be taken is as mutch as w[il]l ly heaped upon a sexpen [inserted above: ce]
finely Scraped [g]iuen at going to be[a]d, or at any time if ye Stomach
be empty, ye Should Sweat well after it if ye first do not helpe you
must take it 3 times: it is fate for wemen that earfeaureish in
childbirth it Should be taken in any cordial waters or maid --
waters, ye way at first of makeing this Read powder is ye plain
way with out eather Saffron or Mi[t]hridate, and is pro[v]ed [v]er
efectuall but so[s]n think it better to ad Saffron and Mithrid[at] [inserted above: e] And for ye Same reason you may ad [five] ounces of gaseins powd And one of the [illegible]


Ochsner, Elizabeth
Le, Vincent


Elizabeth Fairfax cookbook, Collection #C0202, Special Collections Research Center, George Mason University Libraries.


George Mason University Libraries


Public domain. There are no known restrictions.

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