Greene [can’t read] ointment



Greene [can’t read] ointment


Greene [illegible] ointment Red saige rose Mary of Each apd, & half a pound of ye youngest Bay leves Rue half a pound pick ym [test loss] not wash them. chop all these to gether then take 4 pd of sheps suetr hot from ye shepe. beat it & ye hearts to gether till it be of one Coulor in a morter or Borol then put all these in to a clean [illegible] with a bottele of ye best oyle of olive work it to gether till all be a like hten put it in an Earther put stoped Clove & coverd with poste & cover it eight dayes in a Dunghill then take it oute & [illegible] it in a pan over a soft fire till it be ha[illegible] boyled yn put in to it 4 ounces of spike oyle then wrene it & put it up [illegible] had of [illegible] it to ye pan botom share fore keep it stiring


Abu-Bader, Nagham
Le, Vincent


Elizabeth Fairfax cookbook, Collection #C0202, Special Collections Research Center, George Mason University Libraries.


George Mason University Libraries


Public domain. There are no known restrictions.

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