For sore nipples



For sore nipples


For sore nipples

Get a she[rk] of leafe gold: it will cost 4d or 6d.
Cutt as much as will cover the nipples & lay it all over
them & it will cleave & heale. if a child suck ye party: let
it be laid on assoone as ye child hath done sucking. & then
keep ye child as long as you can [c]onveniently from sucking:
But wh[e]n yr child sucks, it will doe ye child good you
may lay more leafe = gold on: as you [illegible] cause.

[inserted bottom: & to dry up ye Milk Nothing better yn Sea Cole
to ashe[s] [litied] & Lade in a bagg to ye Brest often shifted]


Ochsner, Elizabeth
Le, Vincent


Elizabeth Fairfax cookbook, Collection #C0202, Special Collections Research Center, George Mason University Libraries.


George Mason University Libraries


Public domain. There are no known restrictions.

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