A Pultis for a Sore breast
A Pultis for a Sore breast
A Pultis for a Sore breast
Rx a quart of new Milk a pint of Linseeds beaten very small boil them togeather with 2 handfulls of Sage till they be thick Stur them all the While then put in 4 spoonfulls of Sallet Oyle and give it but tow walmes then spred it on a linen cloth and apply it as warme as you can endure. it gives ease presently
Rx a quart of new Milk a pint of Linseeds beaten very small boil them togeather with 2 handfulls of Sage till they be thick Stur them all the While then put in 4 spoonfulls of Sallet Oyle and give it but tow walmes then spred it on a linen cloth and apply it as warme as you can endure. it gives ease presently
Ochsner, Elizabeth
Abu-Bader, Nagham
Le, Vincent
Elizabeth Fairfax cookbook, Collection #C0202, Special Collections Research Center, George Mason University Libraries.
George Mason University Libraries
Public domain. There are no known restrictions.