To Dy[e] a Good Red



To Dy[e] a Good Red




This recipe gives instructions for creating a red dye for wool, using brazilwood.


To Dy a Good Red

[inserted left margin: [text loss][udy] a pd & a half of wool [illegible]] Take a Quartr of a pound of Mader & a quarter of a pound of Brasell & 2 peny worth of Allom & us[illegible]e them thus [checkmark] to 2 pound of wool cleane picked put as much tap drepins or soure beare as will Cover youre wool & put in youre Alom let it boyle a quarter of an oure Then take it oute & [R]ench it in water Then have youre pan Made Cleane & put in fresh tap dreping, as much as will Cover your wool & when its at boyleing put in youre Madder & stir it then youre Brasell & stir it a little & Then put in youre wool by pece & pece, when its Well diped in ye dy and boyled in it then put to it a Gallon of old[e] Chamberly then it you [would] have it a deeper Couller Rench it in Cham[ber]ly if paleer Rench it in [fa]ire watter So hang it [oute to Dr]y.


en Ochsner, Elizabeth
en Grimm, Stephanie
Le, Vincent


Elizabeth Fairfax cookbook, Collection #C0202, Special Collections Research Center, George Mason University Libraries.


George Mason University Libraries


Public domain. There are no known restrictions.