Sympathetick pouder



Sympathetick pouder


en 1694/1795


[Image 1] Sympathetick pouder

Rx Lapis Coslestis or the best Rotnon Vuttriol what quantity you pleas beat it to powder and dysolve it in fair watter, then put it in a glass allim bec[illegible], set it in sand bath, to draw of all the watter and [illegible]cave a dry powder in the Bottome let the powder remain in in the glass and still. keep the fier under it till the powder be calcined white & then it is readdy for use The Vertues Pack a little of the blood upon a [illegible] clean linen cloth then put some of the powder in to a spoon with some watter and dip the bloody rag in it then put the the clout in to your fre[illegible] or pockett adn keep it warme from the cold and every 12 or 24 houres wash the woun clean with

[Image 2] [text loss] warm beer or watter & put fresh linen to this you must do at the first - It cures all green wounds stops blood presently doth the like to any old sore [illegible]aking the in [illegible] [text loss] it upon, and do as a love said: it cures the [text loss] by prieking ye [illegible] and [illegible]fing the blood as it cures the bloody [illegible] or an old fistula


Abu-Bader, Nagham
Le, Vincent
en Grimm, Stephanie


Elizabeth Fairfax cookbook, Collection #C0202, Special Collections Research Center, George Mason University Libraries.


George Mason University Libraries


Public domain. There are no known restrictions.