Feavors, to asuage & to Cool the Spirits or blood
Feavors, to asuage & to Cool the Spirits or blood
Feavors, to asuage & to Cool the Spirits or blood & settle them
Desolve Niter in good Strong wine and Smell to it or poure it upon the fripan heated & take in the fume at the Nose. Rx of the distiled watter of wild popy mix it with Rose watter ana: a few Cloves Give Nitter & [diafeordiu] to asswage and Condence the Spirits Use the horstooth Ring and a Garland of periwinkle If the fevour ly much in the head Lay garlick to the Soles of the Feet or Mustard [struck: or] & Vinager -- In purpill Feavours give Couchineil in any Cordiall watter or wine 30 or 40 granes to a Man 6 or 7 yr to a Child of 3 years old 10 to one of 6 years old give it 2 or 3 times keeping the party warm and it will send out the diseas in Spots
Desolve Niter in good Strong wine and Smell to it or poure it upon the fripan heated & take in the fume at the Nose. Rx of the distiled watter of wild popy mix it with Rose watter ana: a few Cloves Give Nitter & [diafeordiu] to asswage and Condence the Spirits Use the horstooth Ring and a Garland of periwinkle If the fevour ly much in the head Lay garlick to the Soles of the Feet or Mustard [struck: or] & Vinager -- In purpill Feavours give Couchineil in any Cordiall watter or wine 30 or 40 granes to a Man 6 or 7 yr to a Child of 3 years old 10 to one of 6 years old give it 2 or 3 times keeping the party warm and it will send out the diseas in Spots
Ochsner, Elizabeth
Le, Vincent
Elizabeth Fairfax cookbook, Collection #C0202, Special Collections Research Center, George Mason University Libraries.
George Mason University Libraries
Public domain. There are no known restrictions.