Feavors, to asuage & to Cool the Spirits or blood



Feavors, to asuage & to Cool the Spirits or blood


en 1694/1795


Feavors, to asswage & to Cool ye Spirits & blood

Desolve Niter in good Strong wine and Smell to it or poure it upon the fripan heated & take in the fume at the Nose. Rx of the distiled watter of wild popy mix it with Rose watter an[d]: a few Cloves Give Nitter & dia[fe]ordius to asswage and Condence the Spirits Use the horstooth Ring and a Garland of periwinkle, If the fevour ly much in the head Lay garlick to the Soles of the Feet or Mustard [struck: or] & Vin[a]ger, -- In purpill Feavours give Couchineil in any Cordiall watter or wine [.]30 or 40 granes to a Man 6 or 7 gr to a Child of 3 years old [10] to one of 6 years old give it 2 or 3 times keeping the party warm and it will send out the diseas in [illegible] --


Ochsner, Elizabeth
Le, Vincent


en Elizabeth Fairfax cookbook, Collection #C0202, Special Collections Research Center, George Mason University Libraries.


en George Mason University Libraries


en Public domain. There are no known restrictions.