Eyes to restore Sight, An drink, and Wash
Eyes to restore Sight, An drink, and Wash
Eyes to restore Sight, An drink, and Wash
Rx Red sage Red Fennill Vervin Eybright Lovage Saxafrage dill penyroyall Tormentill Rue Cinque-foil folowers Elder flowers Ground Ivy Celandine Red Nettle Betony Lusimackium or lose strife hearts Tongue Melipodes 50 or 100 Cinamon [illegible] i and of each of the hearts an handfull bruse all these in a morter then put upon them a bottle of White Wine let them infuse 24 howers then Strain them out drink hereof near haffe a pint morning and Evening. you may put a quart more of white wine with a little white Rose watter upon the druges let it stand on 48 howrs to infuse and then distill and wash with the watter this cured one that had been blind 3 years by Washing with this watter you may ad Tormen[t]ell Routs
Rx Red sage Red Fennill Vervin Eybright Lovage Saxafrage dill penyroyall Tormentill Rue Cinque-foil folowers Elder flowers Ground Ivy Celandine Red Nettle Betony Lusimackium or lose strife hearts Tongue Melipodes 50 or 100 Cinamon [illegible] i and of each of the hearts an handfull bruse all these in a morter then put upon them a bottle of White Wine let them infuse 24 howers then Strain them out drink hereof near haffe a pint morning and Evening. you may put a quart more of white wine with a little white Rose watter upon the druges let it stand on 48 howrs to infuse and then distill and wash with the watter this cured one that had been blind 3 years by Washing with this watter you may ad Tormen[t]ell Routs
Ochsner, Elizabeth
Le, Vincent
Elizabeth Fairfax cookbook, Collection #C0202, Special Collections Research Center, George Mason University Libraries.
George Mason University Libraries
Public domain. There are no known restrictions.