A sure and perfect way to Cure the plague to full of tokens and St Anthonys fire



A sure and perfect way to Cure the plague to full of tokens and St Anthonys fire


A sure and perfect way to Cure the plague to full of tokens and St Anthonys fire

Rx Ivy berrys full ripe & dry them in the Shade keep them in [illegible] box & when you have [strikeout] occasion to make use of them beat them to powder and give as much as will ly upon a shilling in a glas of white Wine or any other liquor as planting or Cardus watter and go to bed and sweett well which done change yr shirt and sheets - This has Cured thousands. -



Cheston, Jarissa
Le, Vincent


en Elizabeth Fairfax cookbook, Collection #C0202, Special Collections Research Center, George Mason University Libraries.


en George Mason University Libraries


en Public domain. There are no known restrictions.

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