To make ye weben salve



To make ye weben salve


To make ye weben salve Take a pece of rusty
backen or a Slice of Backen from ye [H]itch in ye
Chim ley heat ye Tongues in ye fire red hot --
pinch ye backen holding it over a [Freh] to reserve
ye fatt. which when its Corde set by for youre
uce [checkmark] how to uce it. Take ye weben that
that made ye hurt or for want thare of any
k[rir]te or instruement of iron or Steele and
put in to ye wound to take of ye blood or moisture
yn a noint it with ye a bove named salve rap a
wolen cloth a bout it to keep it from ye Colde
wash ye wound very cleane with small beare
or urine & wrap it up wth Clean lining, Every
day at a fartan time dres ye weben a fresh --
& at ye same time wash ye wound & wrap it
up in Cleane lining, Remmember to set ye weeben
with ye point upward -- -- -- --


Ochsner, Elizabeth
Le, Vincent


Elizabeth Fairfax cookbook, Collection #C0202, Special Collections Research Center, George Mason University Libraries.


George Mason University Libraries


Public domain. There are no known restrictions.