This Resept Good a Gainst infection



This Resept Good a Gainst infection


This Resept Good a Gainst infection

Take the best Musketine 3 pintes. boyle in it a hand full of red Sage as much Earbygrace. Let it boyle to a pinte then strane it out & set it on the fire a gane and put in long peper Ginger and Nutmegs of Each a like quantaty one ounce well bett: put it in wth an ounce of Medridate & 2 ounces of the best venice treackle a quarter of a pinte of aquavitey give it a litele boyle once or twice to botele it up for uee when the person findes them selves verey ill let them take 3 or 4 spounefuls of it warm to go to bed swett on it keeping warm after it. if not ill and aney distemper be [illegible]uring a brode take a spoune full warm the first thing in a morning fasting one houre after it this is good a gainst the Plague and Surfits feveours small pox & Colds in thare bones do not give it in Surfeits after- drinking for it in flames more- you may give w a man full 4 ounces to a woman 3 together



Abu-Bader, Nagham
Le, Vincent


Elizabeth Fairfax cookbook, Collection #C0202, Special Collections Research Center, George Mason University Libraries.


George Mason University Libraries


Public domain. There are no known restrictions.

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