To make the syrope of Mault for a Consumtion



To make the syrope of Mault for a Consumtion


To make the syrope of Mault for a Consumtion Take ten gallons of strong ctle vort Boyle, mit, ground eiuy, white hourhound, maidenshaire, liuevwort, havts tounge & ye great [illegible] called ox eye of each a larg handfull, Boyle in ye Liquore till halfe be consumed, then straine it through a haire leane, & let on of fiare, put in it figges, & Ra[illegible]ons, of ye fun, [2 words illegible] of Dates halfe a pound, Cllieompany, Liquorish, Annifeed; [illegible] jenille feed, each 4 ounces, Boyle the[illegible] altogether till halfe be consumed, then run ye Liquore through a haire fire, then put to it A pound of Brown sugar candy, & let it Boyle till it be of the Consistance of syrope, [illegible] keepe it in Bottles for yr [illegible] --- you must briye [illegible]hearts, & seeds, slice ye roots, & figgs, & stone [2 words illegible] & Rafsons, you must remember to leime it m Boyleing whilts any seine. dre Rife ------- poor small pose or burns on ye pit or seare or for heates m the [illegible] it is to be made in may


Abu-Bader, Nagham
Le, Vincent


Elizabeth Fairfax cookbook, Collection #C0202, Special Collections Research Center, George Mason University Libraries.


George Mason University Libraries


Public domain. There are no known restrictions.