For a scald head



For a scald head


[F]or a sc[inserted above: a]ld head

Rx 2 pound of buter out of ye Churn not washed, put it
in to a frying pan, put to it 4 handfuls of [v]eveine chopt
and put in 2 good handfuls of bay salt but beat your
salt well be fore you put it in yn put it in to
to your frying pan with youre buter & vervine
when youre salt is melted stir ym with a wooden
Knife till thay chang couler that is to look like a
blackish Greene yn take it of ye fire and stir it
till it be colde in ye frying pan for it will melt
Peuter, when it is colde take it out of ye pan and
put it in to a Cleane scellet to setele yn melt it on
a soft fire and strane it to ceep it for your [illegible]
then before you anoint ye head let ye pari[o]nt take
a purge of golop & creame of Tarter one penny worth
of Each for 3 days to gether it a woman or a childe
Every other day yn anoint ye head every day
till it be well this will by Gods help cure for it
never fails


Ochsner, Elizabeth
Le, Vincent


Elizabeth Fairfax cookbook, Collection #C0202, Special Collections Research Center, George Mason University Libraries.


George Mason University Libraries


Public domain. There are no known restrictions.