The use of this oyntment is this . . .



The use of this oyntment is this . . .


The use of this oyntment is this: as first a wenn Nointed
twice or thrice a day and chafe it in be fore ye fire yn lay a linn
which you must continue nointing [itll] be noisom yn re
new it,. it is proper for a greene wound bathed with a fether dyst
in ye o[n]tment as hot as you can indure it dip a rag in it & lay on ye
wound, for a Burn do as before but it ye scin be broke use it moder
atly hot, uce it in ys maner for a scald head, Take ye quanty
of an hisele nut for a surfit or any poisnes disease for a fisteld
or ulser uce it as you did for a grene wound, For ye stone in ye
Kidneys eat ye quantaty of a nutmeg morning & evening drink
after it a gill of white wine made redy to boyle & sneered with suger
but not burned for worms [inserted above: tek] it in soardly bathe ye navell & cap a cloth dipt in it to it


Ochsner, Elizabeth
Le, Vincent


Elizabeth Fairfax cookbook, Collection #C0202, Special Collections Research Center, George Mason University Libraries.


George Mason University Libraries


Public domain. There are no known restrictions.