A Plaster to ceep a [woman] [text loss]



A Plaster to ceep a [woman] [text loss]


en 1694/1795


[Image 1] A Plaster to ceep a [text loss] Rx of the Choice mastick 4 drams Gum Elemni half an ounce burgendy pitch 3 dragms beniamen & dragons blood of Each two drams melt all these straneing ym, and add to ym of ye best Bole almenack finely poudered: 2 drams: of the
Trocheses caled Alipte: Moscate; five drams, of ye plaster of red Lead redy made. of ye oyle of Quinces half an ounce one dram of venice Turpentine a litele boyled: half

[Image 2] half an ounce of Bees wax, one dram [inserted above: & half] of indian balsam m
one scrupele of oyle of [S]picke half an ounce make all these in to 2 plaisters and spread ym upon lether: one for ye Region of ye back ye other for ye lower Region of ye belly
send to ye A Pothecarey and he will compose it: The charge will be a bout six shilins this quantaty will sarve two if thare be ocasion


Ochsner, Elizabeth
Le, Vincent
en Stevens, Jen
en Grimm, Stephanie


Elizabeth Fairfax cookbook, Collection #C0202, Special Collections Research Center, George Mason University Libraries.


George Mason University Libraries


Public domain. There are no known restrictions.