My Cousen girsbys resept for the Dropsy



My Cousen girsbys resept for the Dropsy


My Cousen girsbys resept for the Dropsy

Take or as Roots Squills & Elicompany roots of each one ounce. A Jsop& flore hound leves of Each one handfull of the inner rind of Elder that is the du[illegible] Elder & also A Green Elder of each one handfull: Alance one ounce & a half Agrick 2 drams Ginger one dram leves brused & ye roots Cut thin all put in to 2 quarts of white wine put in to a picher well stoped and set in to a Boyling pan of water to the Neck let it boyll [inserted left margin: full an our when all most cold strain it very hard in to a flagen & when its setled some time the next day botle it up & take fasting in the morning ten spoonfuls for 6 mornings to geather then drink out the rest it will give you a gentle P[illegible] and maby a gentle woman be Reguller



Le, Vincent


Elizabeth Fairfax cookbook, Collection #C0202, Special Collections Research Center, George Mason University Libraries.


George Mason University Libraries


Public domain. There are no known restrictions.

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