The burnt salve to be made in may



The burnt salve to be made in may


The burnt salve to be made in may

[inserted left margin: Mrs Mary White to be made in may] Take of Supervin leves or houselick leves & Smooth plantting & of the inner rine of Ellder twiggs as thick as yr finger of 2 yrs growth of Each one pd beat thm to geather small with a quarter of a pinte of white wine vinecer 3 spoonfulls of onin and 4 ounces of old Tallow Candle when well pounded put to them 3 pintes of oyll ollive boyll thm to geather Continully stiring thm with with a flat strong stick then strain it and set it on the fire a gain but first put in 4 ounces of bees wax Sliced thin boyll it a quarter of an hour strain it a gain in to a Gallypot keep it close tied down and it will keep many yrs when you an Oynt the plese do it with a fether and rub a peece of Shire issue paper with yr hand very soft then anoynt the papper with som of the salve and lay it on the burn do this Morning and Night till the party be well and be sure to use no other remedy



Le, Vincent


Elizabeth Fairfax cookbook, Collection #C0202, Special Collections Research Center, George Mason University Libraries.


George Mason University Libraries


Public domain. There are no known restrictions.

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