Doctor Jams’ Powder how to use it



Doctor Jams’ Powder how to use it


Take in Bed half a One of these papers mixd in a Spoonfull of any Syrup Jelly of Currants Barley Water Gruel or any sort of Tea taking care that none of the powder be left in the spoon let the patient keep veryy Warm during the Operation & Drink now & then at pleasure a Bason of any thin diluting liquor Warm as gruel Barley Water lemmon Milk Whey Baumsea or three parts Water & one Milk mixt together if it is attended with any sensible operation as Sickness Purging or Sweating it is not Necessary to repeat it till the Operation is entirely over and then a nother half paper is to be given in the same Matter as the first By the time that the Opperation of the second dose is finish'd the feverish disorder generaly disappears & the patient Sleepes easyly in this case it is not in the least Necerssary to take any more great care must be taken that the patient don't take Cold



Caylor, Karmen
Le, Vincent
en Thibodeau, Gavin


Elizabeth Fairfax cookbook, Collection #C0202, Special Collections Research Center, George Mason University Libraries.


George Mason University Libraries


Public domain. There are no known restrictions.

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