For a Cold



For a Cold


For a Cold

Take a large tea-cupfull of Linseed two pennyworth of stik-liquorish, a Quarter of a pd of Sun-Raisins put these into two Quarts of soft water, then add to it a quarter of a Pd of brown sugar Candy powdered, a table spoonfull of Old Rum and a Table spoonfull of the best White Wine Vinegar or Lemon juice note the Rum & Vinegar are best to be added only to that Quantity that y[text loss] are Immediately going to take; for if it is put into the whole, it is apt in a little time to grow flat Drink half a Pint at going to Bed & take a little whenever the Cough is troublesome


Le, Vincent


Elizabeth Fairfax cookbook, Collection #C0202, Special Collections Research Center, George Mason University Libraries.


George Mason University Libraries


Public domain. There are no known restrictions.