Powder for Convulsion fits which was never known to fail, when taken in time



Powder for Convulsion fits which was never known to fail, when taken in time


Powder for Convulsion fits which was never known to fail when taken in time-
The deepest red lady smock are the best dryed and beat to a powder to be given to a young child as much as will be on a silver three pence in tea made of the same herb or water distilld from the same flowers every two hours till the fits abate and afterwards as you see occasion till the cure is perfected: it's to be given accor: ding to the age of the person as much as will lie on a silver three pence [Groal] Sixpence or a [th]illing to be repeated at the full & change of the Moon, the flowers to be gathered in May


Caylor, Karmen
Le, Vincent


Elizabeth Fairfax cookbook, Collection #C0202, Special Collections Research Center, George Mason University Libraries.


George Mason University Libraries


Public domain. There are no known restrictions.