In the [Annales] des [Cortes] J. is the following receipt for making a milk white paint



In the [Annales] des [Cortes] J. is the following receipt for making a milk white paint


In the Annales des [Cortes] J. is the following receipt for making a milk white paint

Skim milk two quarts fresh slaked lime eight ounces, linseed oil six ounces white Burgundy pitch two ounces Spanish White three pounds. The lime is to be slaked in water exposed to the air, mixed in about one fourth of the milk. the oil in which the pitch is previously dissolved, to be added a little at a time, then the not of the milk and, afterwards the spanish white. This quantity is sufficient for 27 square has two coats and the expence [strikeout] not more than ten-pence.


Caylor, Karmen
Le, Vincent


Elizabeth Fairfax cookbook, Collection #C0202, Special Collections Research Center, George Mason University Libraries.


George Mason University Libraries


Public domain. There are no known restrictions.