Jelly of Hearts horne
Jelly of Hearts horne
Rx 2 quarts of Spring watter one pint of white Wine 10 ounces of Harts horne shaved put it in a pipkin cover it close and leet it stand an hour & more upon some Embers soaking then put some quicker fier to make it boyle so keep it boyleing till it has boyld the better half a way then run it throug a Jelly bag into a bason then take a race of Ginger thin slise[text loss] & a stick of Cinamon broken some tops of Rosema[text loss] & sweet Marjorom & so let it stand all night, then put into it in the morning one spounfull of red rose watter & a peice of har[text loss] sugar the juce of a lemon or Oreng then seet it on the fier and let it simer then pouer it forth into glasses.
Abu-Bader, Nagham
Le, Vincent
Elizabeth Fairfax cookbook, Collection #C0202, Special Collections Research Center, George Mason University Libraries.
George Mason University Libraries
Public domain. There are no known restrictions.