To Make Green Goosbury Wine. 1706



To Make Green Goosbury Wine. 1706


To Make Green Goosbury Wine. 1706

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Take 24 pounds of Green Goosberrys, top and taile them, beat them in a mortar, then take 8 quarts of spring water and steep the gooseberrys all night, thn pres them out and put thereto 9 pounds of fine sugar; let it stand an other night & then run it thorough a flannel bag, put it into a Vessel, and let the Vessel be full, when it has done workeing stoppe it up, and when it has stood a fortnight take to every 5 gallons hafe an ounce of isinglass cut small and steep'd in Renish Wine or white wine, Draw some of the wine and beat it up wth

Isinglass, put it into the Vessel and mix them well togather to stand a Month, and bottle it off wth a lump of loaf Sugar in every Bottle, and let it run through a peice of Muslin in the funnel

Draw your wine from your grounds before you put your finein in; halfe an ounce of Isinglass if good is enough for 10 Gallons of wine, it is better to stand 3 months in the Vessel after it is fined before you bottle it of you are obliged not to give the receipt to any body.



Caylor, Karmen
Le, Vincent


Elizabeth Fairfax cookbook, Collection #C0202, Special Collections Research Center, George Mason University Libraries.


George Mason University Libraries


Public domain. There are no known restrictions.

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