To Make Elder Wine



To Make Elder Wine


To Make Elder Wine Rx 20: pound of malegue Rasins pick ym rub ym & chop ym. put ym in to a [illegible] with 20 qrts of water and let ym stand ten dayes stiring them up twice or thrice a day: yn [illegible] of ye liguere from ye frenth verey hard. & put to it six pintes of ye joyce of Elder bereys Cleare taken not put in till it be colde Tun it up with ye Rasen liquer let ye vesell stand in an uper roome six weeks or two months till ye drink be cleare yn botele it up


Abu-Bader, Nagham
Le, Vincent


Elizabeth Fairfax cookbook, Collection #C0202, Special Collections Research Center, George Mason University Libraries.


George Mason University Libraries


Public domain. There are no known restrictions.