To Make Cherry Brandy



To Make Cherry Brandy


To Make Cherry Brandy

Rx Cherries (pull of the stalks( put them into a sto[text loss] pot, to every lare of Cherries put a lare of suger & so do till your pot be full, then put as much Brandy in as wi[text loss] cover your Cherries, and to a Gallon of Cherries & Bra[text loss] put 4 leamons sliced pill & all with a littell Saffera[text loss] lett all these stand 6 weeks, then pour of the Clear in[text loss] Bottels which you may keep it all the year it is good for Collicks or any sickness at the stomack then you may put brandy to the Cherries a gane which you need- not Bottell, but lett. it. stand till it be drunk. which is good for the same use, you may take the Cherries (bruse them in a morter with the stones( still them the watter is good for Children. that are sick thus you may dow with Rasberies which is more pleasant.



Abu-Bader, Nagham
Le, Vincent


Elizabeth Fairfax cookbook, Collection #C0202, Special Collections Research Center, George Mason University Libraries.


George Mason University Libraries


Public domain. There are no known restrictions.

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