To Make My Lady Nevells Snaile Watter



To Make My Lady Nevells Snaile Watter


en 1694/1795


To Make My Lady Nevills Snaile Watter

Rx a [strikeout] Peck of Garden Snails wash them in a bowle of Beare & put thm in a Bras pan Set thm over a fire stir them as long as thay make any Noise, then take them oute & with a knife & corse Cloth pick thm & wipe a way all the Grene froth Bruise thm in a Morter shels & all, Take also a quart of Earth Worms slitt & scowr thm with salt & wash them then beat thm to peces in a stone Morter Make your Pot very Clean you mean to set youre limbeck on Take 2 grene handfuls of Angelicoe & 2 of Salendine Lay thm in the Botom of youre pot, & on thm your Snails & worms with sheps Dung & Gows Dung of Each 2 handfuls then put in a quart of Rosemary floures, of Egerymony Setter wort, Blood wort Roots of the Barck of Barbery wode Sorell Beteny of all these 2 handfuls, of Rue half a handfull- of fenegreek & Turmerick one ounce, of Saferen dry, & poudered as much as the weight of 6 d thn poure in 3 Gallons of strong ale thn Cover your pot & let it stand at least a Night close stoped in the place you are to Make the fire, in the Morning eare you make youre fire put 2 ounces of Cloves beaten to pouder hearts horn 6 ounces dont mix it after you have put in the hearts horn least in fall to the botom, Then set on youre limbeck Dran it Down prity small thn mix it all to gether - it must be taken fasting & fast 2 hours after it you may take as much at 4 in the after Noon Children may have it mixed in Beare or ale or white wine 3 spounefuls is Enough for man or woman taken 3 days to gether will kill wormes- Jaundice obstructions stoning in the stomach or liver it is good a Gainst the plague Consumtive peop[strike out]le may take 2 spounefuls fasting for a Mounth together



Abu-Bader, Nagham
Le, Vincent


Elizabeth Fairfax cookbook, Collection #C0202, Special Collections Research Center, George Mason University Libraries.


George Mason University Libraries


Public domain. There are no known restrictions.

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