To Make Cowslip wine
To Make Cowslip wine
To Make Cowslip wine
3 gallons of water 6 pound of lofe suger boyled in it when it is Colde put in to it one up heaped pecked- Peck of flowrs only the yelow tops yn mingle 3 ounces of sirupe of lemmons with one spoune full of yest let it work 3 dayes yn streane it & put it in to a vessell close stoped for a hole mounth yn Botele it [strikeout] up & cork it close & it will ceep a yr
3 gallons of water 6 pound of lofe suger boyled in it when it is Colde put in to it one up heaped pecked- Peck of flowrs only the yelow tops yn mingle 3 ounces of sirupe of lemmons with one spoune full of yest let it work 3 dayes yn streane it & put it in to a vessell close stoped for a hole mounth yn Botele it [strikeout] up & cork it close & it will ceep a yr
Caylor, Karmen
Le, Vincent
Elizabeth Fairfax cookbook, Collection #C0202, Special Collections Research Center, George Mason University Libraries.
George Mason University Libraries
Public domain. There are no known restrictions.