To Make Mrs Fleetwoods Surfeit Watter



To Make Mrs Fleetwoods Surfeit Watter


en 1694/1795


To Make Mrs Fleetwoods Surfeit Watter

[inserted left: fo th 39] Rx 6 pound of Rasins of the Sun stone them 4 pound of figes Slise them 2 pound of dates shreed 8 ounces of liquoorist scrapt & sliced halfe an ounce of Cinnamon as much of - Mace & Cloves bruies these Spices & let them all infuse in 3 Gallons of Aquavite & [strikeout] 3 Gallons of Anniseed watter in an Earthen-jar 14 days sturing it once every day then put to it 2 quarts of disstilled popy watter & as much of red rose watter a peck of Clove July Flowers Cut the topes in & as many popy Flowers as will Colour it Claret Colour clean pickt & sifted from the seeds then strain it through a jelly bag let it stand a day & a night then bottell it up you must keep it close coverd all this while Swetten it when you bottell it wth very fine pouder Suger, you may destill the druges and will yield you an Excelent white Surfiet Watter



Caylor, Karmen
Le, Vincent


Elizabeth Fairfax cookbook, Collection #C0202, Special Collections Research Center, George Mason University Libraries.


George Mason University Libraries


Public domain. There are no known restrictions.

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