The Snaile : Water
The Snaile : Water
The Snaile: Water
Rx two Galons of very strong ale 1 galon of sack a peck of [Gardn] shell snailes make a Charkole fire and when its [thorow] hot make a [inserted above: a hole in ye] fire & put ye snailes in and let ym waste so- long as thay continue [huting]- yn take ym oute of ye fire and wipe ym cleane and bruse ym in a morter: put ym all in to ye wine & ale put in Eight ounces of [harts] home & 6 of cloves bruised in a morter with 2 good handfuls of [angelico] leaves & stalks, [Egeremone], wood [illegible] bears [tooth] [Betery] Dock roots of each 2 hand fuls Rue half a hand full, [peny] [riall] Torment[ed] of each one ounce, [sateren] poudered sic peny worth
Rx two Galons of very strong ale 1 galon of sack a peck of [Gardn] shell snailes make a Charkole fire and when its [thorow] hot make a [inserted above: a hole in ye] fire & put ye snailes in and let ym waste so- long as thay continue [huting]- yn take ym oute of ye fire and wipe ym cleane and bruse ym in a morter: put ym all in to ye wine & ale put in Eight ounces of [harts] home & 6 of cloves bruised in a morter with 2 good handfuls of [angelico] leaves & stalks, [Egeremone], wood [illegible] bears [tooth] [Betery] Dock roots of each 2 hand fuls Rue half a hand full, [peny] [riall] Torment[ed] of each one ounce, [sateren] poudered sic peny worth
Caylor, Karmen
Le, Vincent
Elizabeth Fairfax cookbook, Collection #C0202, Special Collections Research Center, George Mason University Libraries.
George Mason University Libraries
Public domain. There are no known restrictions.